Sunday 19 September 2010

Garbage Man turned Stunning Male Model: Jeff Tomsik

What do you get when you put sexy into your everyday garbage man? You get Jeff Tomsik, that’s what. Jeff is a stunning and uber sexy male model from the a very little town in Ohio called the Grange. Quickly after going to an open casting call where he met legendary photographer Bruce Weber, Jeff was signed and starting work in a an industry that was ready for him. In fact his very first shot was the shot that ended up being featured on the Hollister bag that season. Jeff has a great body with deliciously nice arms and perhaps the perfect Abercrombie body. Love the midsection that’s nicely defined with bulges in all the right places. Jeff also has a killer smile so watch out, you might find yourself in love with these photos. You can check out an interview done with Jeff about how he became a model at the end of this post.


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