Tuesday 25 January 2011

Brotherly Love?.....I don't think so!...Well maybe!

Hey, welcome to our blog, we hope you had a great weekend and are all set for the last week of the month, Where does the time go? no sooner do we have a new month and we're starting to look for a butt ends post!
Today's blog is a little tongue in cheek look at duos, in one case a trio, of guys who might very well be brothers and WE give them the benefit of the doubt that their partner is their brother, you may have other ideas... we refrain from comenting on your reactions :>}
Coming up next "OK so here it is in Black and White" Don't forget our Poll while you're here and if you haven't voted please take time to cast a vote for your choice.
For now enjoy, have a good week and come back soon.
Cheers. Paul.


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