Saturday 7 May 2011

[PAD Thai] Yellow-shirts set to end rally

Bangkok Post

The People’s Alliance for Democracy will put to an end to its anti-Cambodia protest at Makkhawan Rangsan Bridge near Government House after the end of the meeting of the World Heritage Committee, PAD co-leader Chamlong Srimuang said on Saturday.

“The meeting of World Heritage Committee is likely to take place in late May or early June. Whatever the meeting results will be, the yellow-shirt protesters will definitely disperse after the meeting ends,” Maj Gen Chamlong insisted.

From now on until the meeting outcome is made known, the retired general said, the yellow-shirts will continue to put pressure demanding the Democrat-led government to refrain from accepting Cambodia’s plan to list the ancient Preah Vihear temple as a world heritage site.

The PAD has started holding a peaceful rally in late Jan to press for the government to respond to its demands.

The PAD's demands are for the government to revoke the 2000 memorandum of understanding made with Cambodia, to withdraw from the World Heritage Committee, and to push Cambodian soldiers and people out of disputed areas.

The PAD vowed to continue with the rally until the demands are met.


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