Sunday 3 July 2011

FIFA criticises Nigeria’s football coach over ‘lesbian ban’

The governing body of football, FIFA, has criticised the coach of the Nigerian women’s football team for saying she had forced out lesbian players.

Last week, coach Eucharia Uche told the New York Times that since she was hired in 2009, she has eradicated homosexuality from the squad.

According to the newspaper, she said lesbianism was “morally very wrong” and “a dirty issue” and claimed that she had taken steps to stamp it out.

Tatjana Haenni, FIFA’s head of women’s competitions, told German television channel ARD: “FIFA is against all forms of discrimination.”

She added that FIFA would be speaking to Ms Uche about the remarks, AFP reports.

In Germany, where the women’s world cup is being held, the national Football Federation added:”Our association resolutely combats any kind of discrimination. This also includes the fight against homophobia.

“The current issue around the coach of the Nigerian national team certainly requires further discussion. But this can only be done by the tournament host, which is FIFA.”


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