Friday 29 October 2010

McCain Daughter Seeks National Voice

When Meghan McCain said on national TV recently that Senate GOP hopeful Christine O’Donnell "is seen as a nut job," the reaction from the right was swift and furious, with critics bashing everything from McCain’s lack of experience to her judgment to, well, her anatomy.

So now that she’s had time to reflect - after all, she does call herself "a work in progress" - would she like to tone it down a notch?

Um, no.

"I DO think she’s a nut job," the very uninhibited, 26-year-old daughter of John McCain said in an interview this week. "I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I wish more for politics, and I wish more for women in politics."

And, of course, for her party. Since her father’s 2008 loss, McCain, who made a name for herself with a campaign blog, McCainblogette, and now blogs for The Daily Beast, has been trying to establish herself as a voice for young, socially moderate, disaffected Republicans like herself.

"Rather than leading us into the exhilarating fresh air of liberty, a chorus of voices on the radical right is taking us to a place of intolerance and anger," McCain writes of the GOP in her new campaign memoir, "Dirty Sexy Politics." Full story here via Edge!

WGB: She is my favorite Republican! I like her, I really like her! It seems most Republicans can't stand her. I was listening to conservative talk radio and they speak about her like they do Nancy Pelosi. It was sad to listen to....very cruel, very BIG BULLY!


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