Friday 10 December 2010

Miley Cyrus' Dad: 'I am so sad'

Miley Cyrus.
Billy Ray Cyrus has expressed his dismay using Twitter over her daughter Miley Cyrus smoking a bong with Salvia, a hallucinogenic drug. Photo Credit: Splash News

December 10, 2010, (Sawf News) - Billy Ray Cyrus has expressed his dismay using Twitter over her daughter Miley Cyrus smoking a bong with Salvia, a hallucinogenic drug.

"Sorry guys. I had no idea. Just saw this stuff for the first time myself. Im so sad. There is much beyond my control right now," Billy Ray tweeted.

Ironically, three hours earlier, Billy Ray tweeted

"Oh wow ! I'm so excited !!! I tweeted follow Jesus and He showed up !!! I didn't know He was on twitter!!! I'm following Him ......"

TMZ on Friday night posted a video of Miley smoking the drug extracted from a Mexican herb during a party on November 28, five days after she turned 18.

Salvia has effects similar to LSD but its use is legal. According to TMZ, DEA lists Salvia as a "drug of concern" and states that its "Psychic effects include perceptions of bright lights, vivid colors and shapes, as well as body movements and body or object distortions."

The drug can cause lack of coordination, dizziness, and slurred speech; it can trigger bouts of uncontrolled laughter and overlapping realities.

Indeed, the video posted on TMZ shows Miley laughing uncontrollably and rambling gibberish after taking a shot.

Before lapsing into the bizarre behavior Miley says, "I'm having a little bit of a bad trip."

At one point she looks into the camera and asks, "Is that a Liam look-alike - is that my boyfriend?"

According to TMZ, the video was shot by a "friend" of Miley. An illegal copy was then made by the TMZ source and leaked to the website.

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