Friday 25 February 2011

Bryan Thomas Supplement Advice

Ok so im back on the blog scene. Not sure if I was ever REALLY
a "blogger" but here goes...

This is ALL you need to get lean. Trust me!

BCAA(branch-chain amino acid)
EFA (essential fatty acid), CLA
Fish oil (here is the one I use)
Whey protein powder

My 3 favorite "supplements" before a workout.
L-Carnetine, (To preserve muscle)
L-arginine (precursor to Nitric Oxide)
Black tea or black coffee.(Better then any crappy fat burner!)

Most important Supplement...ya ready for this one?....are ya?..its So amazing that if taken in consistently and every 2-3 hours will almost Guarantee you a LEANER healthier body!


...Thats it!

None of all this B.S. Supplement HYPE! Ya know the ones in the BIG bright fancy containers with the powerful eye catching words.

Time to put this plan in action...MOOOVE People!

And good luck!

I am off to NYC in a few hours for a few big shoots with 3 of NYC's most gifted and talented photographers in the world for various assignments and work!

Hope you are all having a happy healthy safe summer!

Bryan Thomas

P.S. The photo posted with this article is a "off season" shot of myself. Taken in November of this past year. I am around 197 lbs in that photo. Typically I am at 185 for most photo shoots.

To lean out for shoots I add cardio 3-4 times a week @45-55 minutes. I will also cut back on the high protein and calorie consumption by splitting meals down. Fruits and clean carbs such as Yams and brown rice are key. Ok that was a long PS but I thought you all might like to know this information..ok off to NYC!


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