Tuesday 22 February 2011

Monday Kick Start.

Hey, welcome to our blog, a special welcome to two new followers who have joined us despite the recent turmoil! We hope you all had a great weekend and are all set for the week ahead. We apologise for the late posting, we were waiting to see if things might settle down.
We have narrowed the field of illicit culprits to two Spammers and have passed their details on to Microsoft who oversee complaints regarding Spamming and Physicking, but don't hold your breath!
Thanks for your support and support, lets hope we can put THIS particular bombardment behind us let's see what else they will throw at us.
For now I will not reply to any emails connected with the Blog for obvious reasons.
enjoy and have a good week, don't forget to come back for your midweek shot in the arm.
Cheers Paul.


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