Friday 18 March 2011

Weekly Supplement

Hey, welcome to our blog. We hope you've managed to re-adjust after the many celebrations and maybe taking a well earned rest. Here, we are now at the top of "High Season" we haven't seen so many at the beach for a couple of years. The weather is perfect, cool evenings and mornings and hot days with unbroken sunshine, We just thought we'd tease some of you guys :>} but it's the truth, honest!
We hope you like today's Supplement, it's sometimes a problem searching out suitable offerings, it's a hard job, but as we always say someone has to do it! That having been said it's great fun to share our findings with you guys out there.
After your relaxing weekend maybe you'll need a kick start on Monday so be sure to come back again, so for now enjoy and have a good one.
Cheers. Paul.


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