Monday 2 May 2011

Standing with Workers to Defend Rights

Sam Rainsy Party elected members of parliament joined over 3,000 workers on the 125th Anniversary Labor Day, 1 May, 2011. The SRP continues to stand with workers to defend their fundamental rights.

SRP appeals for a minimum wage of US$100 to helpp workers and civil servants meet the high cost of food, fuel, transportion and housing. Workers are entitled to free public services including health care. Decent life starts with decent wages and safety and security at the work place.

SRP calls on the government to withdraw its proposed draft Union Law. if adopted by parliament, the law will severely limit the freedom and rights of trade unions as stated in the existing 1997 Labor Law.

SRP continues to demand the identification and the prosecution of those responsible for the assassination of Chea Vichea, the leader of the workers' movement in Cambodia, on 22 january, 2004.

SRP calls on the Cambodian Courts to drop charges and release union leaders charged and detained unjustly for crimes their did not commit.

Phnom Penh
1 May, 2011


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