Saturday 30 April 2011

OMFG! Look who turned 40.....

There will be no blogging for the next 2 days as I just turned 40 (as of today April 30th) and my better half has a weekend of friends, family, and celebration planned for my journey into the next decade of my life.

The past 10 years have been the best and worst 10 years of my life. I embrace every experience...the good, the bad, the tragic, the miracles, the losses, the births, the laughs, the tears, the learning lessons that will help make me a better man. The journey to be a better partner, brother, son, and overall human being continues....

I will be back blogging in full force Sunday night or Monday but I promised my sweetie of 10 years that I would take a break from blogging, the computer, Twitter, and my cell phone. (Facebook however.....)


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