Saturday 23 April 2011

NEW YORK: Sen. Ruben Diaz Denounces Gov. Cuomo For Gay Marriage Push

"I am deeply offended that during this Holy Week, which is a most sacred time to millions of New Yorkers, Governor Andrew Cuomo is working hard to mobilize elected officials to legalize homosexual marriage in New York. We all know that Governor Andrew Cuomo’s budget, which was done in haste to beat the clock, will cause tremendous suffering to countless New Yorkers – especially Black and Hispanic communities. His cuts will hurt students, senior citizens, the sick, the poor and the needy. Now Governor Cuomo is targeting communities of faith in an effort to redefine marriage. The most basic tenets of New York’s largest faith communities include defining marriage as between one man and one woman. These religions that cherish these values include Catholic, Christian, Jewish and Muslim." - Anti-gay New York state Sen. Ruben Diaz, in a statement issued yesterday.

RELATED: In 2009 over 10,000 Hispanic evangelicals protested against same-sex marriage in Manhattan. Organized by Diaz, it was the largest such anti-gay rally in the history of the state.


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